



V Squad -- Barer of the Ghost Nation -- Out now by Melange

As a healer he strived to save his people from foreign plagues until they were slaughtered to the last. A sole survivor who witnessed the end of the world he knew. Four hundred years later Wanniukaga’s problems only started. A vampire additionally burdened with the spirits of his people.

Shattered by hard economic times St. Louis lays atop an older city whose people died out centuries ago, save for Wanniukaga who wanders its urban decay to this day. Locked in a struggle to preserve his people’s traditions and adapt to accelerating change the healer also must balance his many personalities. Two homeless teenagers befriend and help Wanniukaga through difficult times against other vampires responsible for the death of his people, religiously motivated amateur vampire slayers and hard hearted Squad Five operator stepping outside the rules of his unit.

Buy Melange | Lulu


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